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Summer is here

Summer is here but Wimbledon isn’t. Not this year. It’s cancelled. Surely strawberries and cream with a glass of champagne or Pimms isn’t cancelled though. Certainly not here. It’s part of summer, of course.

If you have a sweet tooth, this is for you. Sweet strawberry jam sandwiched between our Homemade Shortbread base and the champagne flavoured white chocolate top. Strawberries and cream with Champagne in a bake. Perfect for Wimbledon finals week, if it was on.

Strawberries and cream
Homemade shortbread, strawberry jam and champagne flavoured white chocolate

Look out for Strawberry Shortbread appearing in the “Select contents” options for ordering online.

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Millionaire’s Shortbread

Millionaires Shortbread

We are millionaires, Millionaire’s Shortbread that is. That simple but indulgent mix of our Homemade Shortbread, luscious caramel and smooth Belgian chocolate, beloved by millionaires everywhere, apparently.

Look out for it appearing in the “Select contents” options for ordering online.

Millionaire's Shortbread millionaires shortbread Millionaires Shortbread
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Homemade Shortbread

We make our own Homemade Shortbread. So, we know it is pure and contains only flour, butter and sugar, with a bit of love thrown in for good measure. Shortbread is the base to a couple of new products that will be coming along over the next few days. But, it’s so good that we decided to sell it on its own.

Look out for it appearing in the “Select contents” options for ordering online.

Homemade Shortbread
Continue reading Homemade Shortbread