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Easter Bake – Easter (Mini-egg) Rocky Road

Everyone knows that Easter is a marvellous time for chocolate lovers. All those chocolate eggs! Well how could I, a lover of chocolate and a cake baker, not make something special for Easter. Well here it is, the Easter Rocky Road.

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Valentine’s Day Bakes and Brownies

It’s less than a month to Valentine’s Day. OMG, it’s come round so fast and the shops are closed. What about a lovely box of heart shaped Bakes and Brownies, to show your love. So, if you have a significant other, better prepare early to avoid disappointment.

Valentines Day
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Burns night, brownies and scotch

Now that the celebrations of Christmas and New Year are mere memories, we need to look forward to the next event in the January calendar. That is Burns Night on the 25th January.

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Christmas Giveaway Draw

It’s Christmas time and time to reward our loyal customers. So, we are having a Christmas Draw, exclusive to subscribers to our newsletter. The prizes come in the form of vouchers that can be redeemed when ordering.

There are three prizes; a £15 voucher, a £10 voucher and a £5 voucher.

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Rewards for reviews

You can earn rewards for reviews at Bakes and Brownies. Either for general reviews of our shop or for product reviews.

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Include a personal message

We can include a personal message with any of our products. It could be “Happy Birthday”, “Merry Christmas”, Get Well Soon” or “Just for you”. It can be just about anything really. You choose.

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Bakes and Brownies delivered to your door

Bakes and Brownies delivered to your door. Why not enjoy the convenience of buying your sweet treats from your sofa.

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National Baking Week Day 2

For National Baking Week Day 2, I didn’t want to complicate things. Just something simple but delicious. I chose one of my favourite bakes, Millionaire’s Ginger. Perfect!

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What I did for National Dessert Day

What I did for National Dessert Day

You might be wondering what I did for National Dessert Day. Well, it is also National Baking Week, so it had to be baked. So, I took a portion of my Triple Chocolate Brownie and added some chocolate brownie ice cream.

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Who likes ginger?

Who likes ginger? I love it. Ginger in food, ginger in biscuits, ginger cake, ginger beer, anything ginger. Some people really dislike ginger though. I wonder why this is.

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